School Newsletter (April 2019)


CBCS Family,

Praise the Lord!

We would like to announce that Mrs. Denise Strickland, Academic Director for Early Childhood and Grammar School, has been promoted to Head of School for CBCS effective March, 2019. We believe her educational expertise and passion for classical, Christian education will be of great benefit to our community and in guiding the future direction of the school. Mrs. Strickland’s qualifications also enable CBCS to move forward in the re-accreditation process with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and as a candidate school for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Mrs. Strickland has spent 16 of her 18 years in education working within classical, Christian schools and holds the following credentials:

  • BS in Applied Learning and Development (Elementary Ed), University of Texas in Austin
  • M.Ed in Educational Administration, Concordia University, Texas
  • TExES Principal Certification
  • 18 years educational experience: 11 years as an elementary classroom teacher, 7 years as an elementary administrator
  • TOEFL certified
  • Presenter at national conferences
  • Freelance Consultant & Trainer for classical schools across the US
  • Elementary and Youth ministry leader/teacher for 30+ years

Mrs. Strickland will continue serving as EC and GS Academic Director as well as Head of School. She has been married to Wade Strickland, SOL and SOR Academic Director, for 29 years and together they have five children, three of whom accompanied them in Indonesia from 2007-2010 and two of whom they fosteredadopted as teenagers in 2015 while living in Texas. Please kindly communicate your support and pray for her in her new role.


CBCS School Board


“Parenting is Hard Work, but Don’t Get Discouraged” by JP Pokluda

I’ve closely observed some extraordinary kids and sibling groups and have had the privilege of learning from their parents’ examples. As a result, I believe the following to be true:

  • Extraordinary young adults often come from extraordinary parents.
  • Extraordinary parents often share common practices.
7. Extraordinary parents pray persistently

Ordinary parents are constantly stressed out, wondering where they can turn to for help. Extraordinary parents understand that worry and prayer each require the same amount of energy. Extraordinary parents turn their concerns into prayers for wisdom and faith. Extraordinary parents know that worry is a waste of time and prayer is powerfully productive. Do you pray persistently for your children? Prayer is the real work of parenting.

1 Samuel 12:23: "Far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right."

8. Extraordinary parents become students of their children

Ordinary parents live vicariously through their children, working to give kids the life they wanted, rather than the life God wants for their kids. Ordinary parents believe in one-size-fits-all in parenting. Extraordinary parents understand their kids’ unique gifts and their children’s struggles and sin patterns. Extraordinary parents are students of their children’s wiring. Parenting a child well starts with a deep understanding of how God made them, and the works the Lord has prepared them for.

Are you becoming a student of your children? Knowing their strengths, weaknesses, and struggles will help you to shepherd them as they learn to confess and repent from sin patterns and unleash their unique gifts for God’s glory.

1 Corinthians 9:22-23: "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings."

Ephesians 2:10: "For they are God’s incredible creation, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

9. Extraordinary parents understand that their presence is the greatest present

It’s been said that rules without relationship lead to rebellion. Ordinary parents work to provide more “stuff,” when what a kid needs most is more of their parents' time. If there was a parenting scoreboard, spending time with our kids is how we’d earn points. Extraordinary parents know that when it comes to time with their kids, “where” is less important than “who.” Disneyworld “counts” just as much as tee-ball practice or a bedtime story. The shot clock is ticking, and when your children graduate and leave home, there will be no more ‘points’ to score. So, make the most of every opportunity to spend time with your kids.

Do you your kids spell love, T-I-M-E.? You cannot know your children without spending time with them.

Psalm 90:12: "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

10. Extraordinary parents know that only grace makes parents extraordinary

Grace covers a multitude of parenting mistakes. Sometimes extraordinary kids come from broken homes or abusive backgrounds, and God redeems their upbringing. Sometimes great homes produce prodigals who have not returned. Obedience is not always defined by the outcome. Often, we take far too much credit when our kids do well, and too much blame when they don’t.

Do you know that only God’s grace makes extraordinary parents because grace covers a multitude of parenting mistakes? Let Him continue to parent you as you parent your children.

Isaiah 1:2: "I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me."

Parenting is hard work, so don’t go at it alone. Invite other trusted friends to speak into how you’re doing. No matter how you have fallen short as a parent, each day is a new opportunity to own your mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and re-prioritize. We can be thankful for our children, teach them boundaries, make the most of teachable moments, exemplify faithfulness, discipline with care, pray, learn, and be more available. There’s an extraordinary parent in all of us.


We warmly welcome all of our families to join the Class of 2019 in the annual Senior Thesis Defense!

The Senior Thesis the crowning achievement of our classical education, the thing all of our students will do just before graduating from Cahaya Bangsa. Throughout their CBCS school career, our students have been writing essays, analyzing discourses, learning logic, and practicing rhetoric—all in preparation for this moment.

They've taken a year to study a topic, decide on an argument about what they believe, and have written a 20+ page essay, revised it into a presentation, and will now defend their arguments in front of a panel of their teachers. This is what we hope for our graduates: they will be able to articulate and defend their ideas well through a Biblical worldview. Parents, grandparents, siblings, alumni, friends, and anyone in-between are all invited to watch and support these presentations.

This year 12th grade Thesis Defense will be held in four different venues, namely Bandung Creative Hub, Selasar Sunaryo, Bale Pare, and CBCS Upper School Music Room, during school hours, from April 29 through May 10, 2019. The detail schedule can be found below.

Date  Venue 
 Monday, April 29  Bandung Creative Hub
 Tuesday, April 30   CBCS Upper School Music Room
 Thursday - Friday, May 2 - 3
 Monday - Tuesday, May 6 - 7  Selasar Sunaryo
 Wednesday, May 8  CBCS Upper School Music Room
 Thursday - Friday, May 9 - 10  Bale Pare

Praise the Lord! This year CBCS is offering opportunities of scholarships for 8, 9, 11 & 12 grade academic year 2019 - 2020. Application forms are available on March 25-April 6, 2019. In order to receive assistance, please visit the Front Office during regular school hours


To maintain our paperless project, parents will receive the Registration Package online through a link that will be posted on May 6, 2019 in your email and WhatsApp Messenger. Prior to May 6, please make sure your email address and WhatsApp number given to the school is correct. If you have any questions concerning the registration process, please contact Mrs. Ance at the CBCS Reception Office.


For your information, many scams are currently being circulated by phone calls stating that your child has had an emergency and was taken to the hospital. In order to prevent you from becoming a victim of this scam, we would like to inform you of CBCS emergency procedures for notification In cases of a student medical emergency or incident, the CBCS Nurse's Office will call you directly and indicate specific details about our school and your child’s situation. If you receive a phone call regarding your child’s safety, please confirm this information by calling the CBCS Nurse’s office (CBCS phone number: 022- 86813919). If our school line is busy, please try again and wait for confirmation before making any decisions about transferring money or meeting your child at the hospital. Thank you for your attention.



For security purposes, we would like to remind all parents or family drivers to put your family number on your rearview mirror when you enter CBCS area. This will be very helpful for our school's security to tell which one is CBCS family car and which one is a guest. Anyone who doesn't have (or doesn't put on) their family number will be treated as a guest, which will require you to park outside the school's area. If you, by any chance, lost your family number, please purchase a new one at G.A Office. We also would like you to roll down your car's window during the carpool time. Thank you and we really appreciate your kind cooperation.



Please make sure you have sufficient funds in your OCBC-NISP Bank since the June tuition will be deducted automatically by OCBC-NISP Bank by June 1, 2019. Excepting 12th Grade students and families whose children will not continue to study in CBCS in 2019-2020 School Year, you need to transfer the June tuition payment no later than May 17, 2019 to the following account: Yay Berkah Bagi Bangsa Bdg Account Number: 449 302 5000 BCA Please include the student’s name in your transaction.